ear readers,

In the days following the disturbing news of the Scourge invasion, all the inhabitants of our world felt the shock wave: fear, confusion, desperation, rage, distrust... But in the middle of this war, new heroes have rose. Of course, there are those who leave their families and fight the Plague, protecting the weak and escorting the refugees, who risk their lives without a second thought in an effort to defend their homelands and loved ones.

But also, there are those who fight this war by trying to enlighten other people's hearts. By trying to carry on with their normal lives, and help others do the same. By encouraging all souls to celebrate life itself, and its joy.

The Midsummer Festival hasn't been cancelled. The Horde celebrations in honor of Grom have been held, and the ones about the Blood Lord of the Horde won't let this war interrupt them either. All around Azeroth, people still get married, and don't miss the chance to party with their friends and loved ones.

This special issue of the Azeroth Journal is dedicated to all of these people, free souls with a strong will to live, and to fight fear with courage, confusion with calmness, desperation with hope, rage with love, and distrust with faith.

May the Light shine upon you all, for you are the ones who will win this war!


The original articles were written in Orcish by our journalist Trogar Këgnash, and translated into Common by Don Tugnas Splattersplog, also member of our staff.

All the pictures were taken using the latest model of the "Super Snapper FX1500" gnomish device, kindly donated by engineer Curgle Cranklehop.



Hundreds Gather to honor a dead Hero
2 July 2006

Massacre at Mannoroc Coven
3 July 2006

The haunted forest
4 July 2006

Raid on Astranaar repelled
5 July 2006

Relay Race to Confusion
6 July 2006

Grand and noisy party at the Bay
7 July 2006

The Dark Figure
Ghost Story

Grom and History
Brief biography

Poll of the Issue
What type of character was Grom Hellscream?

Photography Contest!